Poker Cheating Devices

Poker gambling has evolved to include card cheating. Some cheaters even have entire teams to handle different tasks like dealing, stacking, and more. Some card cheats use their fingers or poker chips to mark a deck before a match, but others use more sophisticated techniques like burning the top card of a deck or a series to help them read an opponent’s cards before dealing. Other cheaters use special decks stacked ahead of time to ensure they win every hand, or even a cold deck that can guarantee them a specific outcome.

The invisible ink card scanner is one of the more popular cheating devices. This device can be used to scan a deck’s back and reveal the numbers and suits. It works using an IR-lens or light which cannot be detected through contact lenses or glasses. It is also easy to hide. It can be hidden in items like a watch, power bank, lighter, or even a cuff.

Modified smartphones can be used to cheat at poker. A recent hacker was able to turn a Samsung Galaxy Core into a poker-cheating device with an external scanning camera. Bursztein claims that the device is designed to resemble a regular Android phone, but it contains all its poker-cheating software. The hacker was able to purchase an activation key for the device through an online black market.

This type of poker analyzer cheating devices uses a specialized poker scanner camera to scan the barcode on the deck of playing cards and then sends it to your phone. It can tell if you are holding the best hand, and also how many chips will you win.