The Best Glasses For Poker Players

If you’re not a fan of the idea of wearing sunglasses while you play poker, you’re not alone. While they can boost your confidence and hide tells they aren’t a necessity for the game. Some players wear shades to feel invincible. They can also make cards more difficult to see for their opponents.

Sunglasses are a great way to hide microexpressions and other small signals of body language. This can be especially important if you’re bluffing during a hand. They can also make it harder for opponents to read your eyes and facial expressions, which is an advantage if you’re a beginner.

Some brands of glasses are designed specifically for poker. Some of these glasses are designed by poker players, like Blue Shark Optics and Poker Armor. These glasses are more expensive than non poker-specific glasses, but can be a good choice for those who wish to protect their eyes against the harsh lights in a casino.

Another option that is popular among poker players is to use sunglasses with mirrors to protect their tells. This is common when playing live poker because it can be hard to see your opponent’s micro-expressions. This can backfire though if your opponent misreads a hand.