Understanding the Use of Marked Cards Contact Lens

Whether you are in the magic business or a poker player, it is always good to have marked cards contact lenses to give your performance a special edge. Often known as IR or UV contact lenses, these specially designed cheating eyeglasses allow you to see the invisible luminous marks on back-marked playing cards. These lenses are not like normal contact lens, but they have small purplish-colored filters that transform your vision so you can see the luminous markings on backs of blue or red cards.

Many books on innovation are very technical or abstract, and they leave you with an overwhelming list of things to do in order to innovate. The Invisible Advantage cuts through this and provides you with a simple down-to-Earth guide to the real driver of innovation, your culture. It then leads you through the steps to transform your planning and work processes so that they will help you innovate consistently.

This book will show you how to create an innovative process that will inspire your employees at every level of the organization. You will learn how to create an innovation culture that is based around the core values in your organization. You will discover that this type culture is key to creating a competitive advantage.

The Invisible Advantage, a great resource that is suitable for businesses of any size, will help you to understand the true meaning and benefits of innovation. The author uses his expertise as an expert in digital innovation to provide readers with a step-by-step guide for creating an innovative culture at their organizations. You will learn how to identify hidden drivers of innovation, and how to integrate them into your business plan.

Invest in the future of your organization with this practical and insightful guide on innovation. It is a must-read for any business owner who wants to succeed in this fast-paced, ever-changing world. Embrace disruptive innovation and use it as your competitive advantage. Start by implementing the principles discussed in this book into your everyday work culture and you will soon be seeing the results of innovation in your bottom line. You will learn to master the art and science of creativity, the cornerstone of any successful business. Start reading The Invisible Advantage now. Amazon offers it in all formats including Kindle. This book is also included in your membership if you’re an Audible Premium Plus subscriber. Click here to learn more about Audible Premium Plus.